Hands in the air, because you really don't care

Oh, the breakdancing

Monday, October 25, 2004

I woke up neked...

Natural finish. Bought a new snare yesterday, need a new head and stand.

Both hot. Listening to the new Hot Snakes and Blood Brothers records incessantly.

I'm thinking that Susan was briskly parading through the downtown quarter accompanied by various squirrels and barnyard animals; hammocks enjoyed themselves for a change.

Have I thought about cowbells lately? Yes.
Do I enjoy the sound of the Vibraslap II? Hell, yes.
Chronically playing MVP Baseball ’04? Uhhhh, yes.
Do I know what message I carved into Brandon’s wall? No.

Show possibilities as soon as we finish some more songs. Soon, baby, soon. Had another offer yesterday. When I regretfully declined it I was told that we should just play the songs that we have...with barnyard animals following suit.


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